Back-to-School Specials Throughout August

Back-to-School Specials Throughout August

Shroom your room with these sales at the largest record store and smoke shop in New Orleans.

Welcome back, students! We're rolling out a whole bunch of new stuff and special sales for fall. Whether you want to stock up on smoking accessories or decorate your room, find what you need at Mushroom New Orleans. The following specials are good throughout the month of August.

All Glass Pipes: 25% Off

Our smoke shop has an extensive selection of high-end glass and hand pipes crafted by esteemed vendors. These pieces are both highly functional and beautiful pieces of hand-blown art. Most of our glass hand pipes are made of German Schott borosilicate, the most durable borosilicate on the market. Unlike some cheaper versions, these pipes are sturdy and long-lasting. Making American pipes out of German borosilicate is a game-changer. When you buy one, you are getting a piece of very high quality and you are supporting the work of artisans.

We also have the biggest and best selection of glass water pipes in the city. We carry all of your favorite brands, including GRAV and Medicali, and we also proudly feature local artists. No matter what size, percs, or colors you want, we have the perfect piece for you. And all of our glass pipes are 25% off right now, both online and in the store.

All Posters: Buy Three, Get One Free

Every fall, we restock our posters and tapestries with a whole new selection. Whether you're decorating your room or giving a gift, don't overpay for a poster you covet. Take advantage of our deal to buy three and get one free. We've got posters with every possible theme: comics, video games, movies, fantasies, pinups, every music genre under the sun -- you name it.

All Tapestries: $24.99 and Two for $39.99

Shroom your room with our huge selection of tapestries, now on sale. Versatile and attractive, they can personalize and spruce up your space at minimal cost. Drape them on your bed, hang them from the wall, use them as window coverings, spread them on the floor for an impromptu picnic, use them as a throw rug. The color, pattern, and texture of a tapestry creates the vibe you want while also making a design statement.

All T-Shirts: Buy One, Get One at Half-Price

You really can't have too many T-shirts, which is why it's a great idea to take advantage of the Mushroom's buy one, get one at half-price deal. We've got our own brand of T-shirts, a selection of movie and TV-themed T‑shirts, and a whole lot of band T-shirts in many styles and colors.

Rolling Papers and Wraps: Buy Three, Get One Free

If you want something more portable than a glass pipe, something that won't break, now is the time to stock up on rolling papers and wraps. For the rest of August, all of our rolling papers and wraps are on sale. Buy three, get one free.

Keep It Fresh and Clean

While you're at it, check out our smoking essentials, including Smokebuddies, Debowler style ashtrays, and Tightvacs.

A Smokebuddy is perfect if you need to be discreet about the smoke and odor you are producing. Simply exhale into the smaller end, and odorless air comes out the other side. This product just works.

For easy cleanup, a Debowler style ashtray is what you want. Made with high-grade silicone, this ashtray looks super cool and sports convenient storage slots for a variety of smoking accessories. Its nonstick surface helps you keep it tidy, and the easy storage gives you a single place to keep the tools you use most. The center has a protruding bowl punch for safe disposal of bowl ash. You can smack a glass pipe right into the center without any fear that it will break.

We also suggest a Tightvac for storing your especially fragrant herbs and spices. We've got them in many colors and storage sizes. These vacuum-sealed, airtight, and smell-proof containers will preserve the contents for a long time without letting odors escape.

Visit New Orleans' largest record store and smoke shop to take advantage of all our fall specials, good throughout August. We're here between 10 a.m. and midnight. Welcome back to school, and we hope to see you soon!

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